The Chapter has worked closely with the ACEP Bylaws Committee to revise our bylaws in accordance with ACEP’s recommendations.
The majority of the changes found are formatting and grammatical, but the following procedural changes are also included:
- Identifying rights of Candidate members, Article III (3)
- Adding Cancellation/Limitation of Member Rights and Privileges, Article III (5)
- Adding Remote Communication Technology wording, Article V (5) and Article VI (9)
- Outlining the Nomination and Election procedures for the Board of Directors, Article VI (4A) (4B)
- Outlining succession of Officers, Article VII (1) and the Nomination and Election procedure, Article VII (2)
- Identifying how to break a tie vote for the Board of Directors, Article VII (3)
- Removing the Alternate Councillor limit to equal the number of Councillors, Article VIII (3)
- Creating Executive and Nominating Committees, Article IX
You can find the marked up version here and the final version here. The acceptance of these changes are included on the 2022 ballot sent to the regular membership on March 18. The ballot will close on May 18.